Monday, February 2, 2009

New Bike!

I got my new bike today. I love it, and even though it's not the fastest or best bike out there, I really think this will work well for what I want to do. I could have picked a better background for my picture, but I didn't want to open up the garage, and plus, it's winter. There's no pretty blue sky or green grass right now.

I ended up getting the Trek 7100. It's pretty similar to the one two posts down, except the flowers are brown, and it's got a pinkish tint to it. I didn't even notice the pink tint until we got it outside in the sun. It just looked cream colored in the store. I think it's such a cute bike, though. I almost talked myself out of getting it, because I wondered if I was just getting it because it was cute, and that it wouldn't work well, but I'm just a beginning cyclist, I think this one will work great.
Here's the cute seat. It's definitely not as comfortable as my recumbent bike that I've been exercising on, but I'll get used to it.

I thought the handles were pretty darn cute, too:

Now if it could just be warm already, I could go for a nice, long ride. I went out for a few minutes when I got home, but it's cold, and with a wind blowing in my face I couldn't stand it for very long.


  1. I love the handlebars! And the seat! And all the rest of it!

  2. Now THIS is my kind of bike!! I linked your swimsuit blog on my get-off-your-butt blog!
