Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Slacking Off

I've really been slacking off lately, partly out of busyness, partly laziness. I did get a good workout in today, and after the bunch of chocolate I ate this morning, I have been eating better. :D

So, once again, it's time to get serious. I mean it this time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Making the Cut part 2

I finished reading Making the Cut last night, and there's no way that program is going to work for me. For the food portion, you're supposed to have meat every night for dinner, and most days for lunch. There's just no way that I can afford that. Meat is expensive! Also, a lot of exercises are for a person who is able to go to the gym and use machine weights, which I'm not because I don't have a gym membership, because that's also expensive.

I don't have the money to follow this program. Some of the exercises in it look good, and I'll incorporate those into my workouts at home, but that'll probably be all I do with it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Making the Cut

I just started reading Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels. It's another 30 day thing (like the 30 day shred video I started doing). It's more emcompassing than just a workout video though, so I'm going to try to start following the plan in it tomorrow or Monday (depending on the food part). There is a fitness test at the beginning, and although it's kind of embarrassing to me how not fit I am (because compared to how I was in my late teens and early 20's, I'm bad), I'm posting the results anyway.

The first part was a three-minute step test, and I scored average (this is tested by taking my pulse afterwards).
The second part was a push-up test, and I scored above average (23 push-ups, which is sad when you consider I used to be able to do pretty much an unlimited amount).
The third part was a one minute sit-up test, and I scored excellent (49 sit-ups in the minute).
The third part was a wall sit to measure lower body strength, and I scored good (60 seconds).

So really, what this test tells me is that I really need to work on cardio, which I've been trying to do, but I need to do more of.

My BMR for figuring out what my daily caloric intake came out to around 1400, so that's where I'm going to try to keep my calories, give or take 100.

I also need to take measurements, and some before (she calls them goodbye) pictures with as little clothes as possible, neither of which I will be posting here.