Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A few days in

I was going to post daily once I started the Abs Diet thing, but that's just not happening. Things are going okay. I'm definitely feeling a change in my body, but I'm not sure if that's from the change in what I'm eating or if it's just from the continued workouts.

Troy is doing the diet with me, and we have smoothies every morning for breakfast. One thing I learned today is that oatmeal is not good in smoothies. Especially the way this recipe wanted me to make it. It was so gross! Also, I just am not feeling great today. My stomach has been irritated (to put it in the nicest way possible), and I felt very sluggish and heavy today during my workout.

Here's a progress picture, though, taken today. My pants are feeling a bit looser, so even if I haven't lost weight, I still feel pretty good about how I'm doing. We'll see on Saturday how the weight loss is going.(I have no idea what's up with the shadow behind me. It's like there's a shadow person standing directly behind me that makes me look bigger, especially around the middle)

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